SATRA Accredited Laboratory
Every SATRA Accredited Laboratory is an independent provider of testing services in accordance with the SATRA standard but not a part of the SATRA Group of companies. Many laboratories are in-house operations set up and managed by product brands and their supply manufacturers.
Indústrias Têxteis H Milagre SA (ITM)
Lab Reference: 10A14
Certificate Issue Number: 15
Location: Brazil (Farroupilha)
Expires: 30th November 2025
This laboratory is accredited for the following Test Methods:
- AATCC Method 193-2017
- AATCC Method 22-2017
- ABNT NBR ISO 13934-1: 2016
- ABNT NBR ISO 13937-2: 2021
- Array
- DIN EN ISO 5403-1: 2012
- EN ISO 4674-1: 2016 Mtd B
- ISO 12945-2: 2020
- ISO 811: 2018
- ISO/DIS 22568-4: 2021
- NBR 11912: 2016
- NBR 12999: 1993
- NBR 14552: 2021
- NBR 14553: 2020
- NBR ISO 105-E04: 2014
- NBR ISO 105-X12: 2019
- NBR ISO 20344: 2015 Clause 6.12
- NBR ISO 20344: 2015 Clause 6.13
- NBR ISO 20344: 2015 Clause 6.3
- NBR ISO 20344: 2015 Clause 6.6 Mod
- NBR ISO 20344: 2015 Clause 6.7
- NBR ISO 20344: 2015 Clause 6.8
- SATRA TM167: 2017
- SATRA TM172: 1993
- SATRA TM178: 2001
- SATRA TM29: 2017
- SATRA TM30: 2017
- SATRA TM31: 2021
- SATRA TM33: 2021
- SATRA TM335: 2018
- SATRA TM6: 1993