Footwear workshops held in Indonesia
140 delegates attended the two events.

The footwear manufacturing sector in Indonesia is growing at a rapid pace. The country’s shoemakers, however, are finding that to remain competitive, they must adopt international best practice in production. Demand from the industry led to SATRA running workshops in June in Tangerang (on the outskirts of Jakarta) and Surabaya, on the theme of ‘footwear technology – improving your supply chain’.
Organisational assistance was given by SATRA member BPIPI and the Indonesian Footwear Association, whose member companies were invited to join the many SATRA members in attendance.
The two workshops were attended by 140 delegates from footwear manufacturers and their supply chains. Ms Ratna, representing the Indonesian Footwear Association, gave the opening addresses, in which she expressed warm greetings from the Director-General of Small Medium Industries. She explained that over 700 million pairs of footwear were made in Indonesia during 2011, and that production was continuing to grow. Ms Ratna commented that the seminar’s agenda would result in an exciting exchange of information on current technologies and their future developments, and explore potential opportunities – especially for the rapid industrialisation of footwear and leather.
The technical programme was presented by Michael Goode, John Hubbard and Christine Powley-Williams from SATRA. Topics covered included the setting up and accrediting of laboratories, mould, REACH legislation, using leather in products, and improving production efficiency by increasing quality and reducing cost with SATRASumm, SATRA VisionStitch and the SATRA TimeLine packages.
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Publishing Data
This article was originally published on page 6 of the July/August 2013 issue of SATRA Bulletin.
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