Nepalis take a big step forward

Image © Michael Royon
Nepalese footwear manufacturers say they have secured a significant share of their country’s domestic market, with locally made products reportedly accounting for over 50 per cent of sales. There are now some ten medium-scale footwear factories in Nepal.
The buying pattern of customers is changing, according to the country’s shoemakers, who state that many who previously bought only foreign branded products are now purchasing Nepali made footwear as an alternative.
Nearly all the multi-branded footwear stores in Nepal carry products from domestic companies. Nepali footwear is offered for school, party, casual and sports applications, including football boots. Manufacturers are now investigating the production of rubber boots.
Nevertheless, problems have prevented the domestic industry from making faster progress, such as a lack of skilled labour and claims of unfair customs duty on materials.
Publishing Data
This article was originally published on page 6 of the July/August 2013 issue of SATRA Bulletin.
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