Footwear testing in SATRA’s China laboratory
Introducing key members of staff working in the SATRA Dongguan laboratory.

China-based manufacturers and suppliers need look no further than SATRA’s laboratory services in Dongguan for a fast and easy way to submit footwear components, materials or whole footwear for evaluation. A SATRA test report offers the most accurate interpretation of footwear test results. It has considerable authority, is accepted and respected worldwide and can help companies in the footwear supply chain to win new customers.
Members of the SATRA testing team

SATRA laboratory supervisor, Pang Li and laboratory technician, Shelly Xi

The Dongguan laboratory’s conditioning room
SATRA’s laboratory supervisor, Pang Li, has been fully responsible for the company’s China laboratory operation since the office opened in 2012. He has considerable knowledge and experience in footwear and textile testing – including to SATRA, ASTM, ISO and GB methods – and has also been involved in producing tailor-made training programmes for SATRA members. Before joining SATRA, Pang graduated with a degree in mechanical engineering and gained ten years’ experience working at major international laboratories for various famous brands. His dedication to the testing services provided by the China office laboratory has been recognised by SATRA, and he has twice helped his department to win the SATRA team of the month award.
Shelly Xi has worked in SATRA’s Dongguan laboratory for three years. After graduating from university in 2011, she was employed by a trading company as a laboratory technician. During that period, Shelly conducted a variety of footwear test operations, and this experience has proved invaluable in her role as an accredited SATRA laboratory technician. In addition, Shelly’s language skills are often employed to translate English editorial articles into Chinese for the STB (SATRA Technical Brief) magazine and seminar interpretation. She was part of the team which represented SATRA at the 2013 A+A exhibition safety products exhibition in Germany.
How can we help?
Please email for further information on SATRA’s Dongguan laboratory and the footwear testing services the SATRA China Office team provides.
Publishing Data
This article was originally published on page 38 of the July/August 2014 issue of SATRA Bulletin.
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