Kenyan government plans improved abattoirs and tanneries
The Kenyan government believes that its leathermakers can have a competitive edge.

The government of Kenya is setting up a programme to build modern slaughterhouses and regional tanneries. According to Industrialisation Secretary, Adan Mohamed, the plan is to help improve supply to both the domestic and export market. Mr Mohamed expressed regret that a lack of capacity has so far hindered the growth potential of the Kenyan leather sector, and explained that this new scheme is aimed at reviving and strengthening the local leather industry for the domestic and export markets.
“Despite Kenya being an ideal production zone for quality leather, the local leather production capacity has been progressively hampered by low production capacity at the grassroots’ level,” said Mr Mohamed.
The government has a five-year plan to revolutionalise Kenya’s manufacturing sector, and the leather industry has been identified as a key sector in which the country can have a competitive edge. Mr Mohamed stated that other efforts include the introduction of a BSc degree in Leather Technology by the University of Nairobi.
Publishing Data
This article was originally published on page 4 of the July/August 2014 issue of SATRA Bulletin.
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