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Oliver takes SAFT one step further

A number of SATRA employees have worked through the SATRA Accredited Footwear Technologist (SAFT) modules, passed the examinations and been awarded the prestigious SAFT qualification. To receive SAFT status, passes in a minimum of five modules are required. However, no one until now – either internally or externally – has passed all six modules… SATRA’s South American business manager Oliver Chandler is the first.

Even more remarkable is that Oliver does not have a footwear-related background, nor has he worked previously in a SATRA laboratory. Oliver has developed his knowledge through training events at SATRA and in his own time, and deserves congratulations for his effort.

Photograph shows Oliver Chandler (left) receiving his SAFT Award from SATRA chief executive, Austin Simmons.

Publishing Data

This article was originally published on page 4 of the October 2014 issue of SATRA Bulletin.

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