SATRA at Indian Leather Fair
Reporting on a major trade exhibition held in Chennai.

The Chennai Trade Centre opened its doors for the 31st Indian International Leather Fair (IILF) which took place at the Chennai Trade Centre on February 1st. The three-day fair was a key part of a week of leather-related activities taking place in the city. The IILF is organised by the India Trade Promotion Organisation (ITPO), in close collaboration with other influential organisations that support the industry. These include the Council for Leather Exports (CLE), Central Leather Research Institute (CLRI), Indian Shoe Federation (ISF), Indian Finished Leather Manufacturers and Exporters Association (IFLMEA), Footwear Design & Development Institute (FDDI) and the Indian Footwear Components Manufacturers Association (IFCOMA).
The official inauguration of the fair commenced with the traditional lighting of the lamp by His Excellency Dr K Rosiah, governor of Tamil Nadu. During this occasion, the ITPO representative highlighted the fact that the IILF continues to grow each year. The 2016 show included 300 exhibiting companies from India and 156 from 25 overseas countries – an increase on the 144 foreign exhibitors in 2015.

Part of the audience at the inauguration of the 31st annual fair
Reflecting the growing international aspect of this fair, the total number of visitors in 2016 grew by 9.6 per cent from the previous year. Overseas business visitors increased by 69.86 per cent – a total of 637 delegates from 66 countries.
The SATRA stand has been in a prominent position for a number of years, being situated in the walkway between the main convention centre and hall 3. This has proved ideal for catching the visitors’ attention. The focus for 2016 was SATRA TimeLine, which has increased in popularity in India and other Asian countries. This generated further interest and also led to discussions on other support that SATRA can offer to improve production efficiency and quality in manufacturing companies including laboratory set-up.
Photograph at top of page shows some of the many delegates who wanted to discuss how their companies could benefit by using SATRA’s production efficiency systems.
Publishing Data
This article was originally published on page 38 of the April 2016 issue of SATRA Bulletin.
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