Engaging with SATRA members worldwide
How SATRA works for – and with – member companies around the world.

SATRA has members in over 70 countries worldwide, through which we encompass the entire footwear and leathergoods supply chain. Member companies include designers, component suppliers, tanners, manufacturers, sourcing companies, brand owners, distributers and retailers.
We have a network of contacts providing local support in key manufacturing areas around the world – Asia, Australia, Europe, the Middle East, North America and South America. These are backed up by technical experts from our laboratories in the UK and China, who travel the world to deliver training, provide consultancy advice, install production efficiency systems and evaluate in-factory facilities (such as testing laboratories).
In addition to providing training, technical evaluation and problem solving of products, and advice on quality assurance and factory production operations, we also reach out to all members via SATRA Bulletin magazine, email and telephone support, as well as online technical information services.

SATRA provides members with a library of valuable information
SATRA events
Every year, SATRA organises a number of events for members:
Seminars and workshops – SATRA holds a number of well-attended seminars and workshops around the world. The programme of technical seminars in our Dongguan office in China is now well established, and is typically held twice a year (usually in May and November). In addition to this, we hold open roadshows in other countries, which recently included Bangladesh, Colombia, Italy, Malaysia, South Africa and Vietnam.
Occasionally, companies with large numbers of technical staff or perhaps specific confidential product developments to discuss, prefer to hold in-house seminars. We have found this to be very popular in Australia and the USA, and is a model that any member can use.

Training footwear specialists in fitting techniques
Training courses – For more formalised learning and personal technical development, SATRA offers a range of training courses (full details can be seen here). These can range from one-day and two-day courses on restricted chemicals, footwear fitting and intensive understanding of leather through to the comprehensive SATRA Accredited Footwear Technologist (SAFT) qualification programme (please click here for further information).
Some members are perhaps unaware that we can also offer bespoke training courses that can be delivered on SATRA premises, but more typically are held at the member’s own facility.
Exhibitions – Attendance at exhibitions forms an important part of SATRA’s global outreach. We try to be present at all major footwear and leather events, and currently attend in excess of 60 exhibitions annually. Details of exhibitions and trade shows that could be of interest to our members are published in SATRA Bulletin, highlighting the shows we are attending. This enables us to plan meetings, visit member’s stands, or for members to attend our stand when we are exhibiting.
Website – A corporate website is an essential communication tool for any business, and SATRA is no exception. Continually updated, the site provides simple access for our members to find the information they need and be directed quickly to technical experts. Members will also note our web address is now www.satra.com and that individuals at SATRA have new email addresses to assist with their recognition.
A future development will be to include a member-only suppliers’ database, where information on products and services can be accessed. If you are interested in being included, please let us know, as we are keen to start trialling this.
Publications – Our 'flagship' publication, SATRA Bulletin, is sent to members 11 times a year, who can also access it electronically through our online search facility. A password is issued for this and such access is highly valued by members. However, if you cannot find the information you are looking for, please do not hesitate to ask.
Members are also provided with the Modern Footwear Technology publication, which covers specific subjects, the Chinese-language SATRA Technical Brief, and the Within Reach newsletter, which covers restricted chemical news and information.
Our comprehensive Basic Shoemaking book has just been republished as a soft back version, and our latest issue of World Footwear Markets provides an updated overview of the world footwear industry. The SATRA Global Foot Dimensions Report is shortly to be published, featuring research findings relating to foot sizing in Asia, Europe and the USA.
Video meetings and physical meetings – While a large number of SATRA experts travel extensively, we are conscious that not all of the team are able to do this. Also (from a sustainability point of view), we are always trying to improve our carbon footprint. As a result, we sometimes hold video meetings. This can be particularly useful when assisting members with problem solving, as it is much easier to get to the root of a problem through a 'face-to-face' discussion than via email.

SATRA's videoconferencing facilities are often used by our experts to assist members around the world to solve problems
As well as a videoconference suite, we also have a number of meeting rooms in both our UK and China offices. Members are able to use for their own meetings and events if required. We find that our UK office gets used regularly, as we are situated in the middle of the country with good transport links.
Supporting members' supply chains – One service that members could utilise more is to access SATRA's expertise to help support their supply chain management. Typical examples of this include:
- where there is a requirement to establish an in-house laboratory. Typically this would involve advice on suitable test methods and appropriate test equipment, the supply of SATRA test equipment, training technicians and to achieve SATRA laboratory accreditation
- working with suppliers to test products via SATRA's UK and China laboratories
- assisting with development of specifications
- gaining quality and saving costs by the implementation of SATRASumm, SATRA VisionStitch and SATRA TimeLine production efficiency systems.
How can we help?
No matter where you are in the world, you are only a short step away from contact with a SATRA expert. Please contact membership@satra.com for further information.
Publishing Data
This article was originally published on page 8 of the February 2017 issue of SATRA Bulletin.
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