Largest A+A Safety & Security Show on record

SATRA is one of Europe’s foremost test houses for PPE and has Notified Bodies established in both the UK and the Republic of Ireland. Due to a greatly increased demand this year for meetings and advice on PPE testing and certification, SATRA had its largest ever presence at the A+A Safety & Security Show held in Dusseldorf earlier in November. In fact, it was the first time that SATRA has had such a large number of representatives from both its testing and certification departments.
It was a big event in all respects. The A+A organiser has confirmed that there were over 2,000 exhibitors with almost 75,000 visitors from around the world attending over the four days of the show, making it the largest A+A event to date.
“Sometimes it felt as if all the visitors were at the SATRA stand at the same time,” said SATRA’s Simon Courtney. “We were expecting the show to be busy, but we were all surprised by just how many people turned up to see us. It is great to see the enthusiasm there is right now in the industry to make safe, durable and performing PPE products.”
The SATRA team logged a record number of technical appointments and feedback received confirmed that everyone appreciated the value of the extra one-to-one time this year.
“We now have a steady stream of requests for follow-up meetings at SATRA to discuss technical requirements in more detail,” commented Donna Jawo of SATRA. “There is a maze of standards and legislation before PPE products can be brought to market, and SATRA with its testing scope and continual investment has always been considered one of the best authorities to guide brand owners, manufacturers and suppliers step-by-step to success.”
As always, expert advice on safety footwear is always sought after in Dusseldorf, and with its footwear heritage SATRA is well-placed to offer unrivalled knowledge on this and other PPE products.
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Publishing Data
This article was originally published on page 21 of the December 2019 issue of SATRA Bulletin.
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