PUMA assesses past goals and sets new targets
The company achieved good progress in nearly all of its 2015 aims

Image © Robert Ascroft/PUMA
The annual report for 2019 published by PUMA revealed that the German sportswear giant achieved ‘desired progress’ in nine of the ten goals it had set in 2015 within its ‘10FOR20’ plan. For example, headway in utilising more sustainable materials was achieved faster than had been expected – cotton was said to have been sourced sustainably in 82 per cent of cases and polyester in 98 per cent. The company also logged achievements in social compliance and chemicals management, the phasing out of perfluorocarbons and the elimination of recruitment fees for migrant workers employed at contract factories.
The only self-set target PUMA was unable to meet concerned water and air, as it had not anticipated that over four years would be required to develop a standard for air emissions and guidelines regarding wastewater quality.
The company’s board has agreed new goals which it intends to achieve by 2025. Activities related to indirect performance improvements, including stakeholder dialogue and the calculation of ‘environmental profit and loss’, have been replaced with target areas selected as making a more direct impact, such as biodiversity and plastics and the oceans. According to PUMA, goals for social compliance and human rights have been merged because they overlapped widely, while the consideration of fair income has become a target in its own right.
Publishing Data
This article was originally published on page 2 of the July/August 2020 issue of SATRA Bulletin.
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