SATRA leather course to be held in the UK
Highlighting the programme for this forthcoming event, for which reservations are now being taken.

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The next edition of SATRA’s popular two-day intensive leather course will be held on 10th and 11th April 2024. Created for manufacturers, sourcing companies and retailers of all types of footwear, leathergoods, gloving, garments, accessories and upholstery, this training is ideal to help newly appointed technologists, designers and buyers, as well as more experienced personnel, gain an understanding of this important topic.
Day one concentrates on gaining an understanding of how leather is made and used. Delegates will discuss raw material defects and characteristics, while reviewing the different types of damage that can be caused on the farm, during transportation and at the slaughterhouse.
The initial sessions will also consider hide and skin structures – how the skins of cattle, sheep, goats and pigs differ in this regard and how to select appropriate raw material for the final end product. The different leather making processes will be explained, describing how to identify the key manufacturing stages and why these are important in regard to the properties of the final leather.
During the first day of the course, the identification of leather will also be examined, analysing the internationally recognised descriptions and definitions for different leather types (such as ‘aniline’, ‘semi-aniline’, ‘pigmented’, ‘nubuck’ and ‘suede’), and other leather-related materials.
The second day
The selection and use of leather will be appraised on day two of the course. This session will include a description of leather grading and provide an understanding of the importance of reaching agreement on the useability of leather between the tannery and the leather product manufacturer. Attendees will consider an introduction to testing and specifications – exploring how these can be used to aid product development – as well as routine quality assurance and assistance with problem solving.
Other important areas which will be discussed are restricted substance testing and legislation. Globally, there are laws relating to restricted chemicals and many brands produce their own restricted substance lists. The final sessions will investigate leather problems and provide examples of typical customer complaints.
The course will be held at SATRA’s UK office in Kettering. The cost, which includes lunch and refreshments on both days, is GBP 750 for SATRA members and GBP 825 for non-members (both rates plus VAT where applicable).
How can we help?
Please email for further information and to reserve your place(s) on this event.
Publishing Data
This article was originally published on page 11 of the February 2024 issue of SATRA Bulletin.
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