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Webinars and Online Resources

Next SATRA footwear webinars announced

Registrations are being taken for SATRA’s live online presentations on issues relating to the production of footwear.

Image © damircudic |

SATRA’s programme of regular webinars presented on a variety of key industry topics is proving very popular with members around the world. Hundreds of online attendees have taken advantage of this provision, all of whom have the opportunity to pose questions before the event, during the presentation or afterwards. Answers can then be provided either as a live response at the conclusion of the session (when it is presented live) or as personalised emailed advice, which is a particularly valuable service whenever confidential information about the member’s products needs to be discussed.

The following SATRA webinars, which are reserved only for SATRA members, will be presented at 10:00 GMT and repeated at 16:00 GMT to accommodate delegates who are located in North or South America.

Thursday 6th June 2024 – ‘Floor marking from indoor footwear’. Several popular sports – such as badminton and basketball – are played on indoor surfaces which may be at risk of marking from sports footwear incorporating coloured soling material. This webinar will consider simple testing that can be employed in order to confirm that sole materials are unlikely to mark flooring surfaces.

Thursday 13th June 2024 – ‘Solventless priming’. Even if a company has moved to using water-based adhesives, primers can still be a major source of volatile organic compounds (VOCs), which are recognised as major polluters in the atmosphere. Attendees to this webinar will learn about the issues and challenges of finding a solventless solution to reduce an environmental footprint.

Thursday 20th June 2024 – ‘Conditioning for footwear’. Conditioning prior to testing is a vital part of the process to ensure accurate and repeatable results. This event will highlight the reasons why this is the case, as well as introducing some interesting examples of controls of testing conditions that are not so apparent but still important.

Thursday 11th July 2024 – ‘Sports footwear for children’. Participation in sporting activity helps a child to establish a healthy active lifestyle, and demand is increasing for such sports and athleisure footwear. This webinar will explain why children’s footwear is not simply graded down from adult sizes and what properties it must possess to protect the growing foot.

Online library of video presentations

In addition to the regular live events, SATRA has built an online library of recordings of the webinars as well as supplementary video presentations on many key footwear-related issues, access to which is reserved for member companies. This online provision ensures that all members who were unable to watch the live online events can still benefit from the experience of SATRA’s experts and other industry figures by logging onto the dedicated website section at whenever they choose.

SATRA members can also access a comprehensive library of SATRA Bulletin technical articles and other industry-related information at this location.

How can we help?

Please visit to register your interest in attending the live webinars, and to view the complete library of past webinar recordings.

Publishing Data

This article was originally published on page 32 of the April 2024 issue of SATRA Bulletin.

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