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Webinars and Online Resources

Dates advised for SATRA sustainability courses

The course will benefit team members looking to understand and tackle the key sustainability challenges facing the footwear industry.

Image © RamoloTavani |

SATRA’s ‘Introduction to Footwear Sustainability’ course will be held twice in the UK during 2024. This programme has been created for everyone working for a brand, sourcing company, retailer or manufacturer within the footwear supply chain, and will benefit team members looking to understand the key sustainability challenges facing the industry and how to tackle them. The course will provide an insight into several key aspects of sustainability within the footwear industry:

The ‘Introduction to Footwear Sustainability’ course is scheduled for Thursday 13th June and Thursday 17th October 2024. These events are reserved for SATRA members only and will be held at SATRA's UK headquarters in Kettering. Please email or visit our website at to reserve a place on this course or to discuss your training needs. In addition, please contact us if you would like to arrange a bespoke course to be conducted at an alternative location – for example, in your company's own offices.

Publishing Data

This article was originally published on page 2 of the April 2024 issue of SATRA Bulletin.

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