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SATRA welcomes ECCO visitor

SATRA recently hosted a visit from Andreas Berg Larsen of ECCO Sko A/S to its UK head office in Kettering. Mr Larsen is the Danish company’s in-house biomechanical specialist, and he was particularly interested in learning more about SATRA’s biomechanical abrasion test, as well as the organisation’s shoe fitting and last measurement services.

Simon Courtney – SATRA’s divisional manager for footwear – commented: “I value the opportunity to meet SATRA members and spend time understanding their interests. It is through these discussions that we can define future sponsored innovation and research products, which may lead to new services, test equipment and testing methods to offer to our membership.”

A family-owned business, ECCO was founded in Denmark in 1963 and now has factories in six locations: China, Indonesia, Portugal, Slovakia, Thailand and Vietnam. It also owns and operates four tanneries. Today, ECCO’s products are sold in over 100 countries from more than 2,250 ECCO shops and 14,000 sales points.

The photograph above shows SATRA’s Simon Courtney (right) explaining the finer points of footwear testing to Andreas Berg Larsen of ECCO.

Publishing Data

This article was originally published on page 3 of the June 2024 issue of SATRA Bulletin.

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