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Powerful search tool on SATRA Bulletin website

This online version of SATRA Bulletin magazine now features over four full years of technical articles solely reserved for SATRA members. As a constantly growing resource of expertise on footwear and leather, it is proving popular with visitors to the site, who can look for information on specific issues.

As an example, typing the word ‘heels’ into the search box near the top of the page quickly reveals that there are a number of relevant articles, covering such topics as ‘identifying and avoiding heel slip’, ‘jewels on wedge heels’, ‘successfully attaching heels to women’s footwear’ and ‘spigotted top-pieces for slender heels’, to mention just a few. In the same way, searching with the word ‘soles’ indicates that important information can be found in such features as ‘multicoloured solings’, ‘PVC solings: the environmental challenge’ and ‘types and effective use if sole adhesives’. Live links on screen allow for easy access to these articles, which can be downloaded as pdf files if needed.

In addition to this rich library of technical information available on the website, there are also over 450 additional news reports, country profiles, test descriptions, equipment reviews and many more extras – a number which is increasing every month and all of which can be easily identified through the search option. Most of the 740-plus online pages also include direct links to other relevant articles, which makes sourcing ancillary information on a particular subject a simple task.

If you are unsure of how to log on, please email for assistance.

Publishing Data

This article was originally published on page 3 of the February 2012 issue of SATRA Bulletin.

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