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Webinars and Online Resources

SAFT Laboratory management module (Bangladesh)

Wednesday 20th November 2024

This event is available to SATRA members only

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SAFT Laboratory management module. Le Meridien Hotel, Dhaka, Bangladesh

This training course looks at managing a physical testing laboratory starting with the importance of creating and following a quality system in order to ensure accurate test results.

The following key areas will be reviewed during the day with explanation of why these areas are critical to the reliability of results: 

• Test method selection and control
• Equipment selection, maintenance and management
• Training of laboratory staff
• Calibration – what is calibration and how to ensure that machines are suitable for use
• Standard materials – how to select and control materials and consumables
• The laboratory environment - temperature, humidity, laboratory lay out and general housekeeping
• Work initiation and progress – traceability, raw data
• Reporting of test results and storage of data and samples
• Complaints – the importance of recording and acting upon complaints.

For further details, or to book a place on the course, please contact us at

