SAFT China Spring
Wednesday 5th March 2025 to Thursday 6th March 2025
SAFT module 10. Leather
This module is aimed at technologists, designers and buyers working for manufacturers, sourcing companies and retailers of all types of footwear, leather goods, gloving, garments, accessories and upholstery.
This module is open to non-members of SATRA.
Day 1: Understanding, making and using leather
- Raw material defects and characteristics - a review of the damage that can be caused on the farm, in transport and at the slaughter house
- Hide and skin structures - cattle, sheep, goat and pig skins differ in structure, so selection of the raw material for the final end product is essential
- Leather making processes - identification of the key processes and their importance in regards to the properties of the final leather
- Leather identification - understanding internationally recognised descriptions and definitions for different leather types and leather-related materials
Day 2: Selection and use of leather
- Sustainability - is leather a sustainable material?
- Restricted substance testing - discussing international restricted chemicals legislation and brand-specific restricted substance lists
- Testing and specifications - how these can be used to aid product development, routine quality assurance and problem solving.
- Leather grading - understanding the importance of agreement on the useability of leather between tannery and product manufacturer
- Investigating leather problems - examples of typical consumer complaints
This module will give the learner a broad overview of how leather is made and what is unique about it in comparison to other materials used for making footwear. We will learn how these unique characteristics can be beneficial to the consumer, but also may present challenges in a world where products need to be standardised and ‘perfection’ is strived for.
We will discuss the terminology used to describe different types of leather and how the performance of the leather relates to these descriptions. This will include examples of problems caused by the selection of leather that is inappropriate for its end use. We will also consider the sustainability credentials of leather including grading leather to ensure minimal wastage.
The module will be delivered in English.