EN 12277: 2015 + A1: 2018
Mountaineering Harnesses
Harnesses intended to hold the user in place and spread the load in the case of a fall whilst at the same time being comfortable for use in mountaineering, climbing and abseiling. Mountaineering harnesses come in a number of different designs depending on the application required. These are Type A (Full body harness), Type B (Small body harness), Type C (Sit harness) and Type D (Chest harness).
All harnesses are required to have the following as standard:
- Load transmitting parts to have a minimum width requirement depending on type and location on body
- All threads to be contrasting colour or surface appearance to tape
- No sharp edges or burrs on components or textiles.
Whole products are subjected to tensile tests on all applicable attachment points. Harnesses are subject to a 15/10kN tensile force applied in the upward direction, followed by a 10/7kN force applied downward (force dependant on harness type). Tensile forces are usually applied and held for between 1 and 3 minutes, to ensure the breaking strength of the product is in excess of the force specified by the standard. There is also a requirement that the slippage of buckles or adjusting devices does not exceed 20mm following the load being removed.