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Testing the safety, strength and durability of bunk beds and high beds
SATRA can assess products in accordance with EN 747-1:2024.

To demonstrate appropriate general product safety, bunk beds placed on the market in the UK and the EU should comply with EN 747-1:2024 – ‘Furniture. Bunk beds and high beds. Safety, strength and durability requirements.’ Testing is carried out using the methods described in EN 747-2:2024 – ‘Furniture. Bunk beds and high beds. Test methods.’
One safety issue these standards consider is the risk that any part of a six-year-old or younger child’s body becomes wedged or trapped at or above the height of any part of the bed’s sleeping surface, in a way which may give rise to any risk of death or personal injury.
The EN 747 standards aims to reduce the potential for accidents and injuries as they focus on strength and durability and, in particular, the safe use of the product.
EN 747-1:2024 – ‘Furniture – Bunk beds and High beds. Safety, strength and durability requirements’ sets out safety requirements for bunk beds and high beds for both domestic and non-domestic use. It covers the durability of the construction of the product, as well as assessing features such as accessible holes, gaps and openings, and the risks of head entrapment.
This standard also considers shear and squeeze points, structural integrity and safety barriers around upper beds. Ladders are also reviewed, as are stairs and handrails. This includes dimensional requirements, structural integrity, and gaps and openings. Requirements for 'Instructions for use' are also set out in clause 5.2 of EN 747-1.
Product marking
The marking of the product is also important. All beds must be clearly and permanently marked with the name or trademark of the manufacturer or importer and the maximum thickness of the mattress to be used with the bed. Any beds with a bed base higher than 600 mm are to be clearly and permanently marked with text stating ‘This bed is not suitable for children under six years’ or a pictogram visible with this information.
The number and year of the EN 747-1:2024 standard and, if applicable, the statement ‘WARNING – This product must be attached to a wall or building structure’ should also be marked on the product.
The standard is applicable to bunk beds and high beds with an internal length greater than 1,400 mm and a maximum bed base width of 1,200 mm, and having the upper surface of a bed base 600 mm or more above the floor. It does not apply to bunk beds and high beds used for special purposes, including prisons, the military and fire brigades.
SATRA recommends that retailers, importers and manufacturers of bunk beds designed for the UK or other EU markets assess their product to the requirements of EN 747-1:2024.
How can we help?
Please click here for information on SATRA's furniture testing services. SATRA can assess products for compliance to the UK regulations and the current standards. Test results may be useful for sellers to demonstrate safety compliance and fitness for purpose to potential buyers. Buyers and retailers might wish to examine incoming goods to ensure they are consistent with initial samples by commissioning spot checks. Email furniture@satra.com To discuss how SATRA can help your company.