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Test Method: SATRA TM138

Density of complete sole units

July 2001


This test method is intended to determine the density of a complete sole unit or sole unit forepart. The method is applicable to cellular, microcellular and semi-expanded sole units but may also be used with solid sole units.


The test specimen is weighed in air. It is then enclosed in a weighted mesh cage so that it sinks when immersed in water. The cage, with and without the test specimen, is weighed in water. The apparent loss of weight of the test specimen is equal to the weight of water displaced. From this the volume of the test specimen is calculated and divided into the weight in air to give the density.


This Test Method does not reference any additional Standards or Test Methods.


First issued January 1987. Revised July 2001.


This test method is available to members and non-members.


This price is for a printed copy of the Test Method.

  • Members: £75
  • Non-members: £215



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