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Test Method: SATRA TM331

The estimation of soluble chrome in leather

June 1999


This method is intended to determine the amount of soluble chromium, trivalent and hexavalent, present in a leather. The method is applicable to all types of leather and is generally not used with other materials.


A ground test specimen of known mass is extracted with a dipotassium hydrogen phosphate / phosphoric acid solution for a predetermined time under an inert gas. The aqueous extract is filtered to remove any insolubles. A portion of the extract is reacted with potassium permanganate to oxidise any chromium (III) to chromium (VI) and then with diphenyl carbazide to form a coloured complex which indicates the presence of soluble chrome. If this test is positive the soluble chrome is then determined quantitatively using a colorimeter or UV/visible spectrophotometer.


ISO 3696: 1987 - Water for analytical laboratory use - specification and test methods.


First issued June 1999.


This test method is available to members and non-members.


This price is for a printed copy of the Test Method.

  • Members: £75
  • Non-members: £215



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