A&E announces sustainability achievements
The company reports continued progress in sustainable thread production.

Thread manufacturer American & Efird (A&E) has released the latest edition of its sustainability report, which details the North Carolina-based company’s current achievements in corporate social responsibility, environmental sustainability and safety. In order to prepare the report, A&E evaluated its global yarn spinning, dyeing and finishing facilities, as well as measuring the carbon footprint, energy conservation, recycling, waste reduction and water conservation involved in all its processes.
According to the report, A&E has achieved a number of sustainability goals since 2006, including a reduction in its global carbon footprint by 2 per cent – despite growing as an international business. The document highlights a 34 per cent reduction in global water consumption, with recycled water increasingly being used by the company’s facilities around the world. For example, as part of one initiative, 1.1 million kilograms of thread were produced in the Perundurai, India, dyehouse using water from a zero liquid discharge system.
A&E claims to have cut its energy use by 7 per cent, with 100 per cent of the energy it uses at the Gutach facility in Germany now being sourced from hydroelectric power. In addition, the report states that 48 million kilograms of greenhouse gas have been avoided during the past nine years, 106 million kilowatt hours of energy have been saved, and there has been zero waste sent to landfill in both the United States and Sri Lanka.
Publishing Data
This article was originally published on page 3 of the September 2015 issue of SATRA Bulletin.
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