Author bibliography: Nicola Pichel-Juan
Articles by this author (latest first):
- SATRA publishes compostability specification
- The use of digital product passports
- SATRA's organisational carbon footprint
- The steady growth of the Deforestation Regulation
- Is leather sustainable?
- What is a product carbon footprint?
- Impacts through the lifecycle of a product
- Are compostable shoes the future?
- Regenerative materials in shoemaking
- Testing for sustainability
- Climate change is not the only impact
- What is bio-based carbon?
- Footwear legislation – the future?
- Footwear legislation – reporting and transparency
- Footwear legislation – labelling and communication
- Footwear legislation – end of life responsibility
- Monitoring energy to reduce emissions and costs
- Organisational carbon footprint
- Environmental impact during a product’s life – part 6
- Environmental impact during a product’s life – part 5
- Environmental impact during a product’s life – part 4
- Environmental impact during a product’s life – part 3
- Environmental impact during a product’s life – part 2
- Environmental impact during a product’s life – part 1
- Footwear electronics end-of-life
- Sustainability – legislation update for the footwear sector
- Investigating the biodegradability of footwear
- The use of recycled materials in footwear
- Resolution adopted to end plastic pollution
- Green regulations watch
- Measuring product carbon footprint
- The application of UN Sustainable Development Goals
- How will COP26 impact your business?