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Free Webinars

SATRA offers a wide range of testing and certification services to our customers worldwide, helping them to produce safe, compliant products for European and international markets. The knowledge we have gained working in this diverse environment is shared through regular webinars, workshops and events.

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Webinar Recordings

SATRA regularly hosts webinars and workshops covering various aspects of technical research, product testing and due diligence, covering a wide range of consumer product industry sectors. Many of these broadcasts are recorded and they are collected here as a valuable resource for reference.

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SATRA Spotlight

Spotlight provides current and accurate information on legislation, technical research, product testing, due diligence and supply chain efficiency, covering a wide range of consumer product industry sectors.

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FindSourcing: How you can benefit

SATRA is collaborating with FindSourcing – a Swedish company that over the past two years has developed an online platform that makes it easier to find a partner in the footwear industry while ensuring transparency in the sourcing process.

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