REACH and Chemical Compliance Webinars
Introduction to REACH (part 1)
This introductory session, presented by Martin Heels, SATRA’s Head of Chemistry, discusses the background of this complex piece of chemical legislation. The requirements for chemicals, what is an article, the mandatory requirements for articles in annex XVII, Substances of Very High Concern (SVHCs) and the enforcement of REACH are all covered.
REACH (part 2) Restricted Substances
This session, presented by Lucy Cove, one of SATRA’s Chemical Technologists, expands upon the Introduction to REACH with a focus on the mandatory requirements for consumer products within REACH Annex XVII, including high risk chemicals for various material types and the use of testing to demonstrate compliance.
REACH (part 3) Substances of Very High Concern
Once a substance has been identified as a Substance of Very High Concern (SVHC) and is included on the candidate list, certain obligations apply to articles that contain the substance. This webinar includes information on the candidate list, what obligations exist and different testing strategies.
REACH for Furniture
This webinar, presented by Lucy Cove - a Technologist in SATRA’s chemistry team - and Emma Norris Technologist team leader, provides a summary of relevant restricted substances legislation as applicable to the furniture sector and an introduction to the SATRA furniture restricted substances list. Annex XVII of REACH and UK REACH are primarily the main pieces of legislation that will be discussed.